Saturday, March 5, 2011

My guapo wrestler

Joe has been doing wrestling, he LOVES it. Most other sports we have signed him up for he will enjoy in the beginning and then starts to dread it and before I know it I have payed the fee and now I am dragging him out the door each time. With wrestling he is so excited each practice, (which is three nights a week!) Today is his first tournament. He and Thomas rose up at 5:30 am to go, and Thomas said he jumped right out of bed. I don't know if it's because he is doing it with his cousins, but I'm proud of him none the less.

Last week he also said he wanted a suit for church, so I took him to a little Mexican tienda which sells dresses for quincineras and such. They had tuxes for boys and suits also. Joe really wanted the tux for the bow tie, but I told him people at church would be wondering where he was going. Finally I convinced him to get the suit and I must say, he's going to have the women chasing him around! I love my guapo wrestler

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