Thursday, September 1, 2011

First day of School

Joe's first day of second grade was Tuesday. He started at his third school here in the Tri-Cities. He is such a brave boy and could care less that he knows no one, has only been in the building once, has never played on the playground, ate in the cafeteria, etc. He never gets nervous about change, which I do and have since I was a little girl. It was his idea to take a photo of him walking to and from the house. Maybe it will be out tradition. I haven't been too good with taking first day pictures. I took one for his preschool, for kindergarten it was him running onto the bus, and for first grade I forgot my camera at the school but I remember him lining up with his class with a big grin on his face while most of the other kids were crying and wanting their moms who were also trying to hold back the tears. I am always so excited to get the kids in school, it's always a joyous day for me. Because I know I will have them home all the following summer. . .


M + D said...

Such a handsome second grader!! I would be nervous going to a new school too. I'm glad Joe is so brave and cute :) Miss you guys!!

Melanie said...

SO cute...So grown up. What an awesome kid. Sad you guys aren't here. Gabe said, I'm going to walk home with Josh, and Scott, and Joe and Skylar. I had to remind him that Joe wouldn't be there. Sad day.

The Tiff-girl said...

I can't believe how old Joe looks. I mean, he doesn't look old, but compared to the last time I saw And Sam and Mark have changed so much too. Such cute boys, all of them. You guys look like you are enjoying life out there so far away. Hope we'll find away to get together again sometime in the not too far away future. Thanks for the note you left on our blog by the way. And for the pot of daisies you sent (a couple of months ago--I have been meaning to write that thank you note, but maybe this will do) :) . That was so sweet of you guys. We appreciate your support. I'll call you soon so we can catch up.